Book - "Australians and Greeks - Volume II: The Middle Years"--
By Hugh Gilchrist--
Published 1997 by Halstead Press, Rushcutters Bay, NSW, Australia--
Below you will find the Table of Contents and a list of the 424 Greek Names included in this book.---
Adossidis Athanasios . . Pages 163 - 166
Aidonopoulos T. . . Page 24
Alexander, King of Greece . . 154, 309
Anagnostatos Gerasimos A. . Page 327
Anagnostopoulos Loukas . . Page 24
Anastas Katholiki . Mrs. Page 293
Andonaras A. . . Page 371
Andonius Yianni . . Page 232
Andreadis . . Prof. Page 195
Andritsakis Ioannis . . Page 285
Andronicus Charles . (Kosmas) Pages 253, 257, 306, 315
Andronicus Emmanuel . . Numerous pages
Andronicus George . . Page 306
Androu Antonia...